
Take cover mod fallout 4
Take cover mod fallout 4

take cover mod fallout 4

What I did was test it with the player character outside of power armor in plain clothing or armor to get a feel for it, then test the same thing again inside PA to find a good balance for the addition of DT to PA. Granted some of it is f***ing impossible, but that's the point, beat up an bleeding to death in the rain looking for the rifle you dropped an hoping for some food soon.

take cover mod fallout 4

Then it's vs NPC damage at 1.00 because it's increased spawns and there's 2-3 times more of them. But that's only for the Sanctuary green area and whatever higher level spawns they added in, it would change basically for the 4 different 1/4s (quarters) of the map or every 3 square miles. The player character usually gets way overpowered, so to balance it out, I run WBO which is pretty overpowered itself, but then increase NPC power armor durability, DT is added to PA, increased spawns is added, Then player damage set to 0.50 or 50% plus 40% or 60% if you want to disarm on the weapon perk damages, plus whatever chems or adrenaline, ect. In the end I had to come back later an beat the Legendary Raider to death with a baseball bat, playing on the "close the gap" perk. Level 172 today, a level 14 Raider in PA and a Legendary Raider, almost owned me, long drawn out fight with a lot of running away on my part. Not always, but most of the time that happens when the game hasn't been balanced out very well. Survival Options edits that and a bunch of other stuff, plus it can be used to balance the game out. Besides cell respawn would clear it mostly I believe. Wear less armor, exit PA, balance the game out.

Take cover mod fallout 4